Thursday, June 17, 2010

10, 9, 8, .....

Nearly time for take off. That is, a mere 10 hours is all that separates us from the air. Ten hours and a couple of loads of laundry, three bags to finish packing, a spot on the floor which needs cleaned (because the fact that you have already vacuumed today is irrelevant once muddy shoes come in from school) and dishes, fridge to be emptied and last minute 'things' to be cleared up; like paying a few bills and calling people in Britain re bookings.
Come to think of it....the only thing between now and take off which might not get done, is me going to bed!
Nah. I will get there - whether or not I sleep once I do, is another matter!
Last night the excitement really got to the kids as proximity made things feel real. Sam announced excitedly, "Wow, 12 hours of TV." Nice to know he's all about the cultural experience. This time next year when we cant afford a holiday to anywhere, at least we know how to make things exciting for the kids. We will just draw the lounge room curtains and let the kids watch movies for 12 hours.
I am feeling worried about the length of time that they will sit staring at the screen and am curious to see what sort of a zombiesh state they will be in when we arrive in Hong Kong. Personally, the thought of sitting down anywhere, doing nothing at all, is rather appealing. Ok. Very appealing. Look out movie channel, here we come....just ten more hours to get through!

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