Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Calling all Geography buffs

Okay, so I put a little test into the blog yesterday! Who thought it odd that we were calling in to Brighton, on our way to Portsmouth, from Lyme? Good one Mrs Penley - I reckon you would have raised an eyebrow.
Actually, I just didn't check the map before blogging and in fact, Brighton will be after here.
Our morning was spent packing up the rooms at Newlands. I never cease to be amazed at how the minute the suitcases are unzipped, the room seems suddenly full of bits and pieces. It is as if the contents are under-pressure, and explode at their first given chance. So, after completing our clean-up mission, we drove back to Lyme Regis for a quick walk. It started rather disastrously for Eliza after her mother shut her little finger in the locking mechanism of the stroller. Ouch. There was screaming and crying, and Eliza was quite upset too! Seriously, I did feel very bad and had to blink back the tears for some time afterwards. Eliza, always the tough one, quickly recovered herself with a few cuddles and a bit of fussing, and within five to ten minutes was refusing our suggestions that we should find her some ice.
Things improved with an impromptu pottery lesson from a potter-in-residence, a cheerful and engaging chap, reminding me in my minds eye, a little of Bilbo Baggins - only taller, longer beard, and not scarily obsessed with a ring. He quizzed the kids to make sure they were learning, and made a porriger in the process. Again, it would have been nice to make a purchase, but pottery and the above mentioned bulging suitcases, is not a great mix.
After our walk, it was back to the car, where this time, Eliza got a finger from her other hand, wedged in the door handle. Once her distress was over we all did a loo stop before hitting the road. On leaving the hall and walking towards the car, Eliza tripped and skun her hands and chest. This time her scream chilled my blood and completely unnerved me. I think she overreacted due to an obviously traumatic sequence of events. The damage in the fall was non eventful, and after eating our bread rolls in the car, she was quickly asleep. I, on the other hand, was quite stirred up and would have liked to have a jolly good sob.
It is funny isn't it, how once you consider something as being achieved, you are tested on it? I recall in one of my early blogs, saying how I am aware of the need to be a grown-up, even though I feel like chucking a wobbly myself. Well, perhaps I shouldn't have written that. Perhaps it was presumptuous. Egotistical. Just calling for a peg take or two. For the last few days my reserves of self-control have been getting lower and lower, my temper fuse shorter and shorter, my bad moods longer and longer. Oh dear. I practically had a tanty tonight when the steak in my fajits was tough. How embarassing.
I have also had (in those darker moments) the odd fleeting feeling of, 'I don't want to be here" and on questioning myself if I would like to just be at home, have been disconcerted to feel that 'no, I don't want to be at home'. It is that awful feeling when you realize that there is no place that makes you feel peaceful, which means, essentially, that the problem isn't in the places, it is in you.
Thanks for being my online therapy.
We are now in Portsmouth in a 15 room B & B. It is lovely. I am sitting at (probably) an antique desk in the lounge room writing this. And do not picture a comfy sofa and tv in the corner. Oh no - we are talking wallpaper, guilt edged pictures on the walls, low wooden coffee table with nicely turned legs, and an assortment of chairs in different designs (all old looking) and a fancy french sort of chaise, which I am sure Uncle Alan would be able to name and date.
We are on the top (third) floor, which I am sure is where all of the families with kids are put...and right enough.
Tomorrow it is off to the military museum. Oh, and we visited Portland Castle today on the way here. Also built by King Henry the eighth. The man single handedly fortified Britain I tell you.
And another 'oh'. The man who runs this B & B used to be a royal Navy man - on the Britania for a while if you don't mind. There is a photo behind me in this room of him having a laugh with the dear old queen Mum. And he has had a tetete (excuse my ignorance on how to write Tetete, hee hee)with the current Queen herself. That makes us only one step away from the Queen....not that he would be able to organize us a room in Buckingham Palace for the night or anything, but all the same....

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