Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sun 18th July, He Caught Me

Okay, so it wasn't so much as a catch, as an orchestrated lift. But it worked for us, and Lilli was so good as to capture it for us on 'film'.
We did find a church, here in Charmouth where the caravan park is. Yes to the stained glass and yes to the sagging stone floors, but they weren't slate. The people were lovely. Spent time afterwards chatting to several of the people and also got my baby fix, holding someone's eight month old twin boy. Gorgeous babies.
We then went into Lyme where we had a Sunday roast in one of the pubs and then walked the Cob. It was our first meal out since arriving in Britain, and we enjoyed it immensely. You should have seen the size of the Yorkshire Pud! Now there is something I have to try IN Yorkshire, just to see how it ought to be.
On leaving Lyme, we came back to the park to change clothes and have a rest. Then it was out to the Charmouth beach, which is famous for its fossils (the whole coastline here is), for a little fossicking. Sam was so excited about this that 'his eyes were watering', as he put it. We spent a couple of hours down on the rocky shore line and have come home with some nice specimens...the problem being how many do we keep - we still have a lot of countryside to lug them over.
Tomorrow we are doing a little back-tracking to see some things that we missed on the way up here. This was partly my fault. It is not that I am not a good navigator - it is just that I keep falling asleep on the job. I wake up when Shane taps the map, trying to figure out if it is time to turn or not, I then say, 'not yet', or 'yes go', without actually knowing where we are. Not a lot of help really. In fact on several occasions, quite the opposite. Oops.
We have extended our one night here, to two, and today we made it three. That gives us tonight and tomorrow night settled. We still have until Saturday to find our accommodation for. It has been hard to do with bad service on the internet here. Tonight it seems a lot better though, so now I am off, to try and find somewhere to stay, in Portsmouth. Goodnight.

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