Friday, September 24, 2010

The car crash was nothing compared to this!

We have lost the video camera.
That is, we know where we left it, but when we returned to get it - it was gone.
We ate tea at a pub, on the way home from LEGO Land. We took the camera inside with us, because since the crash, the car is in no way secure. We left the pub and returned to last nights hotel to pick up our stored luggage (also because of the car incident). We hit the M4 and headed to London. I realized I had more foot room than usual, and we realized what was missing.
Did the u-bolt. Back to the pub...but no one had handed it in and the waitress had just knocked off...weird given the size and emptiness of the dining room we had been in.
Actually, weird is not the right word.
I can't believe it.
All of August onwards, video and photos. Gone.
How will the kids remember what they did and where they went?
How will we show you?
How did we let this happen?
Why do people steal?

Sam and Eliza both have temperatures again.

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